Mental Health Clinicians will practice essential Motivational Interviewing Language and Techniques in Spanish.
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is used in numerous clinical settings where the primary goal is to help clients change unwanted situations.
Working with the well-known acronym OARS in MI, each video focuses on one of the four essential stages.
This module is suitable for Mental Health Professionals, Interns and Graduate Students with Intermediate to Advanced Spanish.
This module contains:
- Four videos
- Four workbooks with reading comprehension and repetition practice.
- Four one-hour private teleconference lessons (zoom) with and instructor
- Four tests
- Four Course Evaluation forms
- One Certificate of Completion
- Verification of Hours form
Video #1 - Open Stage - Etapa Abierta (Duration 14:24)
In the Open stage, therapists practice open-ended statements and questions to enable the client to express the presenting problems, what they have tried to do so far to solve the issues, and what was the result. Clinicians master statements to open the session, provide active-reflective listening, maintain the therapist-client dialogue.
Video #2 - Affirming Stage - Etapa de Afirmación (Duration 11:04)
In the Affirming stage, the therapist reinforces client strengths and abilities. Clinicians practice accurate and congruent supportive statements focused on reinforcing clients self-esteem, coping abilities, and problem solving skills.
Video #3 - Reflection Stage - Etapa de Reflexión (Duration 21:29)
The therapist communicates and expresses empathy by simple reflections of what the client has said. Accurate and intuitive reflections fall into three main categories:
- Reflecting Content: Fill-in-the blank templates combined with vocabulary lessons to form reflecting statements that relate to the Content of the client's narrative. Therapists master content-reflecting statements in the past and present tense.
- Reflecting Feeling: Using simple templates paired with verbs and adjective lessons, the clinician is enabled to provide effective and customized reflection of feeling statements.
- Reflecting Meaning: In this section, clinicians practice language to interpret the meaning embedded in the previous stages.
Video #4 - Summarize Stage - Etapa de Resumen (Duration 23:34)
In this video, the therapist will learn to provide a congruent and empathic summary of the client's narrative. A three step template is presented that enables therapists to effectively form summarizing statements which may be customized to the client's narrative.
This practical and interactive series will prepare the therapist in the use of key expressions in Motivational Interviewing.